
We recognise our religious community as God’s gift to us and acknowledge the responsibility of each Sister to nurture its growth by promoting and preserving community life, according to the spirit of the Rule of St Albert.

“May they be so completely one that the world will realize that it was you who sent me”.
( John 17:23)

Sister Martha Helena LLoyd O.Carm

Sr Martha Lloyd

15th April 2021

This morning’s reading from the book of Wisdom tells us that when the righteous die it is not a disaster but they are at peace.  Sr Martha was a righteous person she is therefore at peace because she is released from the great pain inflicted by her broken hip,  and other forms of illnesses and operations, which she endured during her long life and is now with  God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and she is united with all her loved ones. Indeed she was a strong, determined, prayerful, and sometimes fearful woman who trusted the Lord in everything. Sister Martha lived for God and others.

Sr Martha Helena Lloyd also known as Martha Thelma Lloyd, the eldest daughter of John and Mildred Lloyd (both deceased) was born on 30th December 1923 at Gasparillo.  It seems to me that she was a very important member of that family for, in my view, it is plainly seen that she is deeply loved by her siblings, her nieces and nephews, and even by her grand nieces and nephews.  She loved you and you loved her. Once I overheard a conversation between herself and Carlton where she was being reminded of how she used to shelter him from a good beating sometimes. In her youth, she was a seamstress working in the hospital.  This skill she put to great use when she entered the convent.

Sister entered the Corpus Christi Carmelites on 10th January 1962 and received the habit as a Carmelite on 25th July 1962.  She made her First Profession on 15 August 1963 and her Final Profession on 15 August 1969 at the Co-Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in San Fernando.   She always enjoyed praying and singing the Divine Office in the community.  She had a strong, good voice and was often able to remember tunes and carry the psalms and Salve Regina when they were sung, even as an elderly Sister.  Sister was often found in the chapel praying her Rosary or praying the Stations of the Cross.

Sister was a very cooperative community member, very generous with her time and energy, always offering her services to help in whatever way she could possibly help. This attitude of a willingness to help exposed her to teaching and supervising in many of our Pre-Schools.

Because of her deep love and interest in children she worked at the Day Nursery and Kindergarten in Belmont where she entered, from 1962 to 1974. In that same year through the Child Welfare, she pursued a six-week Course in Social Work in Jamaica after which she was sent as Supervisor to the Kindergarten in Berbice, Guyana.  In 1980 through the Extra-Mural Studies  Unit, U.W.I Mona Campus Jamaica she completed courses in Montessori Methods as well as a Supervisor of Kindergartens and Pre-Schools.  On her return to Trinidad she worked in the following Kindergartens:

Diego Martin 1982-1984;Tunapuna 1984-1988; Belmont 1988=1991; St Vincent.

1991-1993; 1993 onwards she worked at Belmont with the young women of St Jude teaching them sewing and craft for which they won many awards from Safest. Sister also spent her time counseling others, taking her daily exercises and doing a little sewing, and making some delicacies.  She also acted as Novice Directress a few times in the Novice Directress’ absence.  She also taught floral arrangements and sewing to the Novices.

Sr Martha’s life epitomized the life of her model, Martha, found in the Gospel of Luke Chapter 10 verses 38-41. Martha was the sister of Mary and Lazarus, who was raised from the dead and they were all Jesus’ friends.  Sr Martha was always busy being thoughtful of others for their birthdays, Christmas, Easter, etc. always ensuring that her visitors and/or other sisters’ visitors have something to drink or to eat.  She was also very busy cooking up a storm, she continued making breakfast and lunch for us at Belmont even in her eighties, always preparing pies, savory and sweet/cakes/bread, etc.  In between times, Sister was always ready and willing to improve in her various skills so she enlisted in Cake Decoration, Floral Arrangement and Fabric Transformation, and Fashion Designing, the latter to improve her sewing skills.  She enjoyed playing the guitar at one time and up to a few months ago was able to entertain the Sisters on the piano.  Yes, she was busy but she seldom complained because she thoroughly enjoyed what she was doing.

Her heart was always filled with gratitude when others did anything for her.. Yes, she had a grateful heart!

As you know Sister began doing less and less about four years ago as she became weaker and unable to do for herself but her hopefulness never left her.

As you know, Sister died on 8th April 2021.  She waited for one of her favorite persons to visit her when she chose to peacefully return to her maker and bridegroom.

Of course, Sister was human and therefore was afflicted with her own faults and failings with which she struggled. But God is full of mercy and love so we know that she is forgiven.  We thank God for visiting us through the kindness and goodness of our Sister Martha, aunt, great aunt, cousin, and friend. She will continue to assist us with her prayers during this difficult Covid 19 time.  Eternal Rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her.  Amen.

Corpus Christi Carmelites


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