
United and sustained in the Body of the Lord, we must bear in mind the longing of our Foundress to pass on this gift to others.

We must, therefore, as true Corpus Christi Carmelites be able to give others the fruits of our own contemplation.

“Always We Should Pray”

The Central norm of Carmelites spirituality is found in the Rule of St. Albert with exhortation to continual prayer – “ to meditate day and night on the law of the Lord and watch in prayer”. The one thing necessary is that prayer permeates our entire life so that anchored in faith,hope and love, we might glorify the name of the Father on earth in Christ.

The person who has an inner life is aware that God’s love requires periods of silence and that a certain solitude is needed to hear his voice within us. For us to achieve this inner life we must work as individuals and as a group to create the conditions that will help us to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking in our hearts.

United and sustained in the Body of the Lord, we must bear in mind the longing of our Foundress to pass on this gift to others. We are to continue the mission of Jesus in giving the Bread of Life to the world.


Because the Christian life is a sacrament it is impossible to live in Christ without developing the prayer of  contemplation by which we allow ourselves to be  possessed by the overwhelming and all-pervading presence of the Lord. 

People search for the contemplative dimension of their being, look to us who have formally committed ourselves to the service of  God for help and guidance.  We must, therefore, as true Corpus Christi Carmelites be able to give others the fruits of our own contemplation.

Corpus Christi Carmelites


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