Foundation Principles
“ Serve the Lord With Gladness” (Psalm 100:2
“With Zeal I Am Zealous For The God Of Hosts” 1King 19:10)
We, the members of the Institute of Corpus Christi Carmelites, following the inspiration of Mother Mary Ellerker, who was called by God’s love in the Blessed Sacrament, to work for the reunion of all people in Jesus, have come together to share a life of Sacrifice, Humility and Prayer in the Service of the Church, according to our Carmelite tradition of Contemplation and Apostolic action.
It is from the Eucharist, the Sacrament of unity, which unites us to Jesus and to one another that each Sister must derive strength for the work of reunion. We are to pray unceasingly for the day when all Christians will be united in the Body and Blood of the Lord.
As Corpus Christi Carmelites we are committed to spreading the Little Way of St. Therese. We must be Zealous for the salvation of others, pray fervently for Priests, live a common life based on the love of Christ and rely with confidence on God our Father in all our needs.