Mother Foundress - Mary Ellerker of the Blessed Sacrament (Little Mother)

Clara Rose Martha Perrins was born on the 18t October 1875 and was baptised in the Church of England at Sr Mary’s Hansworth on the 12th January 1876.
As a little girl, Clara ‘Queenie’ Perrins, heard a conversation between her father and his visitor talking about the Catholics who believed in Real Presence in the Eucharist residing in their church. From that moment Clara wanted to be in the Church where Jesus dwells. Her parents were in discord with her choice and would not give her permission to Change her religion.
At the age of 17 years on March 23rd 1992 Clara Perrins was Baptised Catholic at the Church of the Oratory, Hagley Road Birmingham by Fr. Thomas Pope. Choosing to model her life by going back to her Catholic ancestor, Sir Ralph Ellerker who had served in the Pilgrimage of Grace. To reflect this Clara changed her name from Clara Perrins to Clara Ellerker.
In July 1905 Clara entered the Congregation of The Lord of Compassion and was clothed in the habit on 12th January 1906. Clara left the Congregation of the Compassion.
Clara’s sisters and mother also became Catholic. She was totally devoted to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
On 16th July 2008 Clara Ellerker answered the call of Brindle who wanted to have a group of women help with the poor and underprivileged in Leicester.
Mother Mary Ellerker of the Blessed Sacrament died on the 11th January 1949 at the Belmont Carmel. She suffered for over fifteen (15) years from crippling and painful Arthritis. This however never prevented her from attending to her duties.
Mission Statement
We, the members of the Institute of Corpus Christi Carmelites, inspired by our Foundress – Mother Mary Ellerker’s love for the Eucharist and Carmelite Spirituality, witness to the presence of God among His people, through serving in the fields of Prayer, Catechetics, Education, Pastoral, and Social Work.
Vision Statement
In a pluralistic society, often in conflict with itself, we, the Corpus Christi Carmelites stand as women of faith who embody that longing of Jesus “that all may be one” (Jn 17:21)