
We recognise our religious community as God’s gift to us and acknowledge the responsibility of each Sister to nurture its growth by promoting and preserving community life, according to the spirit of the Rule of St Albert.

“May they be so completely one that the world will realize that it was you who sent me”.
( John 17:23)

Sister Teresa-Joseph Pegus

Sister Teresa-Joseph Pegus O.Carm

Sister Teresa-Joseph Pegus, O.Carm., of the Corpus Christi Carmelites, died peacefully in Leicester on 1st February 2011, aged 80. She was one of the best-known

Sr Martha Lloyd

Sister Martha Helena LLoyd O.Carm

Sr Martha Helena Lloyd also known as Martha Thelma Lloyd, the eldest daughter of John and Mildred Lloyd was born on 30th December 1923 at Gasparillo.

Corpus Christi Carmelites


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